Friday, September 21, 2012

Self Discovery is the beginning of “Self-Management”

In these  competitive and turbulent times, Self-Management plays a vital role for a sustained organizational performance and Individual’s growth. Organizations expect more from employees and families in turn expect more from earning members so that they can have a peaceful life and the society also expects us to contribute back to create a better society.  All these put pressure on an individual’s time. In the process the individual gets into routine activities, making it difficult to come out of a daily routine and think creatively towards contributing to all the participants who have expectations.

Stephen Covey has nicely defined whole person paradigm as a sum total of four essential elements viz. Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit. In order to get best out of oneself one has to synchronize activities across these four dimensions and understand ones strengths and limitations across these dimensions.  One has to look at how all these elements can effectively contribute towards the expectations from stakeholders like organization, family and society.  It is about knowing yourself, knowing your strengths, weaknesses and managing these towards overall expectation. Such synchronization is not only pleasing to self but highly contributing towards others and results in stress free natural life.

I would like to bring here the famous framework for understanding self; the Johari Window. The window is shown below in the diagram:

An individual can look at personality traits, personal values, habits, needs, emotions etc. across these four quadrants. If one has the maximum awareness about self, it will help in maximizing ones effectiveness and success.
Unknown Self: This is an area which is known to others but not known to self.  Sometimes these strengths could bring enormous success to individuals.

Role of an admirer :  

Lord Ram was in search of someone who could cross the ocean and go to Lanka. It was a mammoth task. Hanuman was  unaware about his hidden super human powers. An elderly bear, Jambant from Sugriva’s army made him aware about his hidden power. He realized the same and with utmost sincerity, devotion and humility and completed the task. The role of a third person in unfolding Unknown self is huge. Everyone needs a Jambant in his\her life to make him\her successful.

Role of a critic:

Kabir, a great Hindi poet and thinker has said

निन्दक नियरे राखिये, आंगन कुटी छवाय, बिन पानी-साबुन बिना, निर्मल करे सुभाय !

It means – “Keep your critic close to you. Give him a cottage in the courtyard of your house, because he cleanses your nature without soap and water.”
One has to reach to a level of maturity to understand the role of a critic.  It plays a significant role in self discovery.  Probably critic is more important than an admirer and it requires more maturity at individual’s level to handle the critic.

Role of Introspection (Internal perception):

Introspection is the self-examination of one’s conscious thoughts and feelings. A person’s own conscious thought is the best guide for self. What he or she needs is to come out of activity trap, sit coolly and think. One should think about self across all the quadrants, looking at attributes. It helps in identifying areas of strengths, weaknesses and steer towards the future effectively. Introspection plays a vital role in optimizing private self as per Johari Window.

Role of Meditation:  Hidden self is untapped & an unknown potential of an individual. Smaller this area, better it is. It is said all human beings have tremendous power. In some cases a large portion is active while in other cases a large portion is hidden. Meditation and self concentration can help a lot to unfold some of these potentials.

I think based on foregoing discussions one will be able to paint his profile and have better understanding of self. Self discovery/ Awareness is the first milestone in the journey of “Self Management”.

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